Thursday, February 20, 2020

encore post -- Draco-therium Atma Maelstrom

Managed to complete one more short story, 
after getting molested by my muse-mates. 
Seriously, they wouldn't let me sleep one night, until we did it.
But that's okay. I always enjoy cognitively copulating with them~

Here's the link to view or download the PDF:


A Lost Story Known To Dragons Only!

Brace yourself for the vibrating birdsongs of battle!
In another universe, in ancient times, beings known as draco-therium
were locked in a chaotic conflict. Terraforming planets and stars
with their innate elemental mastery, these ultraviolent giants
constantly contested one another’s territory. In restless rivalry,
they soared from world-to-world seeking ever-stronger challengers…
…but within this savage cycle between indestructible immortals,
what was the catalyst for an unprecedented paradigm-shift…?

 ---Vhish'shang the UMBRO-atma Draco-sapien

In the short-length version of this story that I just completed,
a decision was made to remove all references to the individual characters,
who composed the full-length version I scrapped.

Since the main focus of the obsolete version was battles between these draco-therium, with the thematic message less prominent, it was necessary to bring the real essence of the story to the forefront.

much like "Soul Swarm Samsara",
I opted to not rewrite the entire thing.

(Also, these two stories were "spiritual sisters" in their concepts.
So, to further differentiate them,
I exchanged the theme of reincarnation & reproductive hybridization,
with immortality & invincibility for this short version.)

In any case,
these dragon characters are still quite important to me.
So I illustrated about 33 of the major ones, in 23 different drawings.

Because they were excised from "Draco-therium Atma Maelstrom" itself,
I'll convey a little bit of their back-story here.

The original sequence of primary protagonists went:
1.) Frinxiortch
2.) Twekk'twunjj
3.) Chell'chezz'chuke
4.) Plen'shen'dren
5.) Vhish'shang

In the hypothetical version,
if I had modified the full-length story to accomodate the new revisions,
Vhish'shang would have been the primary viewpoint from the very start,
since invincible immortals cannot die or be maimed,
so the original manner of switching protagonists when they die & reincarnate was no longer viable.

(The lack of reproduction also means that some draco-therium who were offspring of the protagonists in the obsolete version,
are now unrelated.

But the draco-therium were always neuterine.
And their method of reproduction was not genitalia-based.)

to talk about Vhish'shang himself.

As a black-scaled Draco-sapien of the UMBRO-atma variety,
Vhish'shang can seem quite menacing. 

Most UMBRO-atma draco-therium are cowards who opt to use their shadow-breath as a smokescreen, lurking in the darkness of outer-space rather than exposing themselves down on a planet or star, so that they can take cheap pot-shots from behind their obscuring miasma.

Vhish'shang, however, is quite heroic.

In the obsolete version,
we only meet him near the end of the book,
where he is already a Draco-sapien Champion
and mostly goes around defeating the strongest threats,
such as Diyiliyid and Algolenthenx.

In the hypothetical version,
we would follow his progression from Wyrm, to Drake, to Wyvern, to Dragon, and finally, his emergence as the 3rd Draco-sapien.

Before that time,
he wouldn't be particularly skilled,
but that would result in him teaming up with Twekk'twunjj,
who could shield the novice Vhish'shang with his turtle-shell elytra-wings.

When Vhish'shang ultimately metamorphosizes into the 3rd Draco-sapien,
he would soon invent his unique fighting-style,
as seen in the obsolete version.

by wielding his shadow-breath to blast out breath-bombs,
which he would shoot strategically all over the area,
those explosions would open up blackhole portals.

He would then utilize those blackhole portals both offensively & evasively.

Knocking his opponenets around, with those foes flying in-and-out of portals from one location to another, which would disorient them. Thus, in their dizzied state, the Draco-sapien could make use of his new bipedal body to perform martial-arts with his highly-coordinated anatomy. In doing so, he shows off some really radical maneuvers!

And in addition, he also dips in-and-out of portals himself,
to dodge attacks and warp through space faster.

Ultimately, the main challenge to Vhish'shang,
comes in the form of the very 1st Draco-sapien,
named Algolenthenx.

I'll continue about that LUXO-atma Draco-sapien directly below the following picture.

 ---Algolenthenx the LUXO-atma Draco-sapien

much like Vhish'shang,
Algolenthenx is extremely skilled at dragonic martial-arts with his bipedal body.

In the obsolete version of this story,
we meet Algolenthenx about halfway through,
with Twekk'twunjj as the current protagonist.

Twekk'twunjj witnesses Algolenthenx's graceful fury firsthand,
as the angelic LUXO-atma Draco-sapien easily defeats Nhesh'shevvesk.
(more on her at the very bottom)

despite the resplendent appearance,
Algolenthenx is not actually heroic.

While not "evil" per se,
Algolenthenex is solely concerned with proving his superiority,
which means he refuses to fight weaklings,
and only enters the fray with the strongest draco-therium around.

he spares the injured & poisoned Twekk'twunjj,
seemingly mercifully,
yet in truth,
with disdain.

And though Nhesh'shevvesk was a dishonourable fighter,
she was still an obvious powerhouse as a huge cobra-dragon.

when Algolenthenx appears on the planet that Plen'shen'dren, Zrom'brom'drom and Rhazza'rhonddo terraformed together,
the angelic Draco-sapien proves his ruthlessness,
by totally obliterating all of those protagonists AND their offspring,
since their group teamwork was a formidable combination,
which elicited his attention.

That event causes the final protagonist shift,
which leaves the rest of the obsolete book focused on Vhish'shang,
who ultimately comes into conflict with Algolenthenx.

Vhish'shang is a worthy adversary as a Draco-sapien himself,
and the two engage in a truly climactic confrontation.

In the end,
they prove totally tied,
and actually enter another dimension,
when Vhish'shang traps them both inside a blackhole portal,
inside many more blackhole portals,
where they then eternally spar.

That event results in a major reduction of bloodlust in their normal universe,
which leads the rest of the evolving draco-therium to increased peacefulness,
without them around.


if I was to elaborate a little on the hypothetical version,
if I had revised the new story to accomodate the current revisions,
Algolenthenx would still appear as the 1st Draco-sapien from the start,
but instead of encountering Twekk'twunjj halfway through the story,
he would impress the Wyrm-form Vhish'shang near the beginning.

Without even wielding his star-breath,
Algolenthenex would effortlessly dodge & parry almost anything thrown at him by a whole host of foes,
before he counterattacks with grace and dominates them all.

That would kickstart Vhish'shang's own quest to evolve,
to try and catch up with such a strong opponent.

Perhaps in the hypothetical version,
Algolenthenx would be less cruel,
but he'd still treat lesser challengers with aloof disdain.

Speaking of "lesser challengers",
lets talk about the first protagonist,

---Frinxiortch the GEO-atma Draco-sapien

the main point of Frinxiortch,
was that he dies right away.

he does get a glimmer of glory first.

In the obsolete version,
Frinxiortch hatches from his egg
and quickly becomes the partner of Cresserrezz
and the two Wyrms fight side-by-side,
during a relentless elemental maelstrom of swarming foes.

As a GEO-atma draco-therium himself,
Frinxiortch skillfully wields stone spires
which he summons from below;
while Cresserrezz, as a VRONTO-atma draco-therium,
summons lightning-storms from above,
to cover each other quite well.

They beat such enemies as Xochu'xipzu,
but can't compete against the relentlessly destructive Thadda'malphax.

That PYRO-atma draco-therium swiftly overwhelms the whole battlefield,
and Cresserrezz becomes imperiled.

To try and save her,
Frinxiortch evolves from a Wyrm into a Wyvern.
Basically skipping the Drake stage in his emotional state.

Even when Thadda'malphax rips off Frinxiortch's wings,
the GEO-atma Wyvern manages to keep going,
by hopping from mountaintop to mountaintop,
as he continues summoning stone-spires from below.

Thadda'malphax turns those mountains into volcanoes,
and kills off Frinxiortch.

Since his soul floats off to reincarnate in outer-space,
we don't learn Cresserrezz's fate until later,
because Frinxiortch's soul crystallizes as a new egg & is reborn as Twekk'twunjj far away.


In the hypothetical version of this story,
if Frinxiortch would probably show up as the very last Draco-sapien.

He'd probabaly make a similarly heroic evolution to try & save somebody,
which would push him past his limits and become the 8th Draco-sapien.

That would then allow the paradigm-shift of artistic landscaping & music-making to happen.


lets learn a little about that tri-finned terrorizer known as Thadda'malphax next.

---Thadda'malphax the PYRO-atma Draco-sapien

Here we have the main antagonist for most of the obsolete book.

He appears several times,
and each time,
Thadda'malphax either kills,
or debilitatingly maims the current protagonist.

since the reincarnation/reproduction theme was changed to 
the indesctructible immortal theme,
Thadda'malphax's role would be reduced in any hypothetical version.

He'd still be extremely powerful,
because even as a Drake,
his "infernuke" attack was one of the strongest techniques in the universe,
as it was able to single-handedly blow-up ANY enemy with a direct hit, in just one shot!

Not to mention, his "shark-fin dash-spin" was alike a super-heated buzzsaw
that could shred through anybody's scaley-hide.

Continuing to elaborate on the obsolete story,
Thadda'malphax's got an impressive kill-count to his name,
but of the characters I've illustrated here,
it will suffice to say that the PYRO-atma Drake was responsible for the deaths of Frinxiortch, Elegaludeo, and Yaka'marada,
plus disabling Plen'shen'dren by slicing off the peacock-dragon's wings to leave him for dead!

he does get his comeuppance,
since Twekk'twunjj had managed to scar Thadda'malphax's left eye,
which allows Plen'shen'dren to blind Thadda'malphax completely in their fateful rematch.

But since Plen'shen'dren is part of a team of disabled dragons at that point,
they all show this villain the mercy he never showed them,
and the blind drake actually joins their ranks!

Of course,
even though he gets to live peacefully & father some egg-lings,
Thadda'malphax perishes in the same incident when Algolenthenx shows up.


In the hypothetical version,
it would likely be Thadda'malphax's threatening power that pushes Vhish'shang to evolve from a Dragon, to a full-fledged Draco-sapien.

Thadda'malphax would himself become the 6th Draco-sapien,
when everybody is dealing with Algolenthenx,
who still overshadows the PYRO-atma Drake.


From there,
lets segue to another character,
who only came into existence because Thadda'malphax killed his previous self!

 ---Twekk'twunjj the HYDRO-atma Draco-sapien

In the obsolete version of the story,
Twekk'twunjj reincarnated from the soul of Frinxiortch.

To reiterate,
because the scrapped draft of "Draco-therium Atma Maelstrom" had many parallels with "Soul Swarm Samsara",
( )
I opted to exchange the reincarnation/reproduction theme,
into the invincible/immortal theme,
which would necessitate altering the relations between many characters,
since nobody could die or become disabled.

in a hypothetical version,
Twekk'twunjj would have a totally different plotline.

But to stay with the obsolete version for a bit:

After reincarnating,
Twekk'twunjj found himself on a CRYO-atma dominated planet.

he fought Cleya'cuunda,
against whom he demonstrated his main distinction as a turtle-beetle draco-therium. Specifically, Twekk'twunjj evolves wings which spread open like a beetle's elytra with bug-wings underneath, but close into the shape of a turtle-shell!

These special wings enable Twekk'twunjj to wield those shelled-wings as shields!

Often, he even utilizes them to protect other draco-therium,
and in doing so, almost made an ally,
but she was killed by the poison-dart-frog skin of an amphibious wyvern.
(I'll talk about both Kastrellaverkka & Gattag'gallag at the end of this post.)

From there,
he travels alone,
soaring through space and visiting several worlds,
with a desperate loneliness inherited from Frinxiortch's budding feelings for Cresserrezz before he died,
and his new sorrow over losing a would-be mate of his own.

Upon reaching a certain gas-giant planet,
Twekk'twunjj encounters a swarm of AERO-atma draco-therium.

Many of whom are also insectoid-esque like him.

their leader, Lharlhyr'vhovhyr, isn't interested in a HYDRO-atma recruit joining the swarm.

Along with other AERO-atma draco-therium like Cree'neechee'crov,
the wind-wielding battle-beasts try to repel the water-wielding invader.

they end up joining forces when a diabolic dragon named Noxferanex shows up.

That UMBRO-atma juggernaut is able to overwhelm the AERO-atma swarm,
and Twekk'twunjj continues to display compassion by forgiving the others who tried to repel him, and instead of leaving them to get defeated,
Twekk'twunjj assists their swarm to turn the tide.

Knocking Noxferanex into his own blackhole trap,
Twekk'twunjj proves to be the M.V.P. of that battle,
and Lharlhyr'vhovhyr begrudgingly lets his enemy leave in peace,
as thanks for the help.

Of course,
Twekk'twunjj was looking to stay,
so he's sad to go.

From there,
he reachs a mixed-element world,
where GEO-atma & PYRO-atma draco-therium are squabbling.

Twekk'twunjj gets harassed by the PYRO-atma Drake named Uwozi'uwani,
but her predatorial pursuit ends up attracting the attention of two GEO-atma dragons.

Those teammates slay her,
and then turn against Twekk'twunjj too.

Twekk'twunjj is at a major disadvantage here,
because this world evaporates his attacks,
and his opponents are veteran partners.

In the end,
he is saved at the last second by another HYDRO-atma draco-therium,
named Elegaludeo!

That barracuda-wyvern evens-the-odds,
and together,
Twekk'twunjj & Elegaludeo defeat Grung'gurrung & Qharnnarraanqh.

the two HYDRO-atma teammates terraform the rest of that infernal planet into a beautiful sphere of sea-water!

Becoming mates,
the two father another pair of draco-therium,
named Iha'mowahi & Yaka'marada.

(Please note again: the obsolete story had a theme of reproduction which bypassed genitalia, so two masculine creatures could conceive offspring together. In specific, all draco-therium had the ability to nip each other's tails and spin ecstatically in a "double ouroboros" which would create a vortex between them. That vortex would gather their orgasmic energies into a new soul-core. Then, that soul-core would crystallize into an egg. An egg, which when hatched, would give birth to a new draco-therium, who very often wasn't of the same elemental affinity. This underlying theme showed the unity between all the creatures, despite their surface differences. Very similar to the hybridization theme in "Soul Swarm Samsara", which allowed the creatures to overcome their conflict.)

even after spending a chapter in peace,
the family's tranquility is shattered... by Thadda'malphax.

That PYRO-atma Drake again rampages through the scenes,
and kills both Elegaludeo & Yaka'marada.

Twekk'twunjj does manage to scar Thadda'malphax's left eye,
but is separated from his son Iha'mowahi.

Thadda'malphax pursues Iha'mowahi,
while a heavily injured Twekk'twunjj is forced to flee in a different direction,
when more invaders arrive.

Twekk'twunjj then encounters Nhesh'shevvesk,
who takes advantage of his wounded condition and ambushes him in outer-space.

As an UMBRO-atma Dragon, she bides her time behind black veils,
before emerging to pounce easy prey.

Twekk'twunjj has a hard time fending her off,
and gets poisoned by her cobra-tusks.

she isn't victorious.

Algolenthenx happens to pass through,
and seeing the strong Dragon taking advantage of the weak one,
that angelic Draco-sapien intervenes on Twekk'twunjj's behalf.

Slaying the dishonourable-but-powerful Nhesh'shevvesk,
Algolenthenx impresses Twekk'twunjj,
who survives thanks to the feathered LUXO-atma warrior.

Twekk'twunjj was still poisoned,
so he barely manages to reach another world to rest.

Once there,
he encounters the widow Wyrm, Cresserrezz...!

She is still grieving over Frinxiortch's death,
and when Twekk'twunjj first arrives,
Cresserrezz DOES try to kill him!

when she realizes that not only is the turtle-beetle injured...
...but he exhibits the same compassionate kindness as Frinxiortch...
...the two begin to bond, and she defends him while he recuperates.

While they don't know that Twekk'twunjj actually WAS Frinxiortch,
the pair reforge their partnership anew,
and happily spawn some offspring of their own, at last~

Twekk'twunjj & Cresserrezz remain on their moon home,
while one daughter ventures off on her own.

That LUXO-atma firefly-dragon daughter was Chell'chezz'chuke,
but lets talk about Cresserrezz more,
following the picture below.

 (And for the record,
in any hypothetical version,
Twekk'twunjj would probably be the second-to-last Draco-sapien,
of the eight whom catalyze the paradigm-shift through music.) 

 ---Cresserrezz the VRONTO-atma Draco-sapien

 Cresserrezz might spend the entire obsolete book as a Wyrm,
but don't let that fool you: she's still one of the most skilled draco-therium around.

After Thadda'malphax killed Frinxiortch,
she survives by her own abilities,
and ultimately comes to hide-out on that small moon,
in order to get the PYRO-atma Drake off her tail.

Guarding that moon,
she mourns her would-be mate,
but happily reunites with his reincarnation, Twekk'twunjj~

they make a great team,
and fend off some UMBRO-atma threats who encroach on their territory.

Not only that,
but as a VRONTO-atma draco-therium,
Cresserrezz is physically among the very fastest creatures in the universe!

By using her lightning-element mastery,
her serpentine body can lash out with equal speed to the strike of a thunderbolt!

Zipping from spot-to-spot,
Cresserrezz can quite easily strafe even the most dangerous foes,
in relative safety.

(Only Vhish'shang's elemental-ability to warp across space using blackhole portals, and Algolenthenx's elemental-ability to make linear air-dashes at lightspeed, can compete with her swiftness.)

Cresserrezz protects Twekk'twunjj from multiple foes all by herself while he's healing,
and after they mate,
she often still ends up defending her offspring,
using just her own speedy savvy.

Of course, she doesn't mind Twekk'twunjj utilizing those turtle-shelled wings of his to shield her from deadly breath-blasts that might have managed to otherwise surprise her from behind~

she & Twekk'twunjj make a great team,
just like when he was Frinxiortch.

In the end,
their family are among the most peaceful draco-therium in the universe,
alongside the disabled dragons.

She and Twekk'twunjj enjoy a serene existence,
but one of their adventurous daughters DOES succumb to curiousity,
and departs their home.

Chell'chezz'chuke unfortunately discovers that not all draco-therium are so compassionate as her parents...


(And for the record,
in any hypothetical version of the full-length story,
Cresserrezz would probably become the 2nd lifeform to ascend into a Draco-sapien,
because she would evolve faster than normal to protect her mate,
from either Thadda'malphax or Algolenthenx.)

...let's learn about the dignified-but-deadly dragon that their daughter meets.

 ---Plen'shen'dren the AERO-atma Draco-sapien

Here we have one of the main protagonists.

it might surprise you to learn that he earned that distinction... killing another protagonist!

Plen'shen'dren is first introduced as an antagonist.

He is among a group of various draco-therium that Chell'chezz'chuke has to fend off,
when she waltzes unprepared into the fray of a much-more wartorn world.

Chell'chezz'chuke is a swift LUXO-atma firefly-dragon,
but Plen'shen'dren proved to be even quicker,
as an AERO-atma peacock-dragon.

Not only does he wield the wind itself to boost his already high-speed,
but he also uses those flashy feather-frills of his to dazzle & disorient his enemies!

A well-time frill-opening can easily cause someone to flinch from the sudden spectacle,
so Plen'shen'dren always anticipates what his foes are trying to do in advance,
which enables him to tactically throw them off at the critical interval,
by opening his neck-frill feathers to stun them.

That's how he catches Chell'chezz'chuke off-guard... and ends her existence...

Of course,
his dainty demeanour isn't immune to even-stronger adversaries... when Thadda'malphax shows up,
Plen'shen'dren is actually at a disadvantage,
because the PYRO-atma Drake lost one of his eyes and can't be intimidated by those frill-feathers!!

That's why Plen'shen'dren is unceremoniously defeated himself.

He is left wingless when Thadda'malphax pulls off a "shark-fin dash-spin" and severs both of those luxurious limbs...

...causing the peacock-dragon to lose his pride-&-glory...

Falling downward,
his frills are also incinerated,
when he cannot evade as easily without his normal method of flight.

Although his AERO-atma wind-mastery does allow some minimal ability to move through the air,
Plen'shen'dren can only hope to leap & surf the breeze for a few seconds now.

 Unable to fend off his foe,
Plen'shen'dren is brutalized within an inch of his life.

But since there are many more enemies to contend with on this world,
Thadda'malphax cannot deliver the final coup-de-grace.

Plen'shen'dren barely survives...

...but is left badly disabled...

he is actually rescued from certain doom... another disabled dragon!

Opposite to how Plen'shen'dren lost his wings,
a CRYO-atma Wyvern is left with crippled legs.

Only able to fly, and unable to run,
Zrom'brom'grom sympathizes with Plen'shen'dren's predicament.

Carrying the lanky lizard-cheetah in his mouth,
the white-scaled Wyvern with fin-wings like some marine-mammal
manages to evacuate Plen'shen'dren from the danger zone.

Sooooooooo... why don't we discuss Zrom'brom'grom next?


(And for the record,
since the "disabled dragons" theme was dropped,
because it was incompatible with the new "invincible immortals" theme,
Plen'shen'shen & Zrom'brom'grom would have to get different roles in the story.

the peacock-plumed dragon would probably become the 4th or 5th Draco-sapien,
with him either defending,
or being defended by,
to catalyze his evolution.)


 ---Zrom'brom'grom the CRYO-atma Draco-sapien

 Okay, to pick up where we left off,
Zrom'brom'grom was flying Plen'shen'dren to safety and cruising through outer-space.

they arrive at a remote planet to rest & recuperate.

Once there,
they meet ANOTHER disabled dragon,
a GEO-atma draco-therium named Rhazza'rhonddo.

His disability is a debilitating gash to the throat & belly,
which rendered him mute & unable to launch ANY breath-weapon attacks.

Rhazza'rhonddo is quick to accompany Plen'shen'dren & Zrom'brom'grom,
who find shelter in a cave that the GEO-atma Dragon creates for them.

These three eventually form a pretty successful team.

Although they never leave this planet,
the group cooperates and wards away most threats.

In fact,
they even inspire enemies to work together too!
(An example of this includes Ordufa'ilhenya farther down this post.)

after surviving much longer than their serious conditions should normally permit,
the group is attacked by Thadda'malphax.

In this rematch,
the disabled dragons prove that cooperation is key,
and can overcome the odds.

They even show mercy to their enemy,
 because when the one-eyed Drake is left totally blind,
he can't continue defending himself.

And ultimately joins the disabled dragon group,
with a little reluctance!

Once Thadda'malphax is fighting alongside them,
their biggest test was against the VRONTO-atma Draco-sapien named Jalamo'jalonxo.

That purple-scaled juggernaut required everybody working together,
including their new offspring,
such as Zethro-zyke & Barvo-belvos.

It was a close-call,
but the disabled dragons manged to pull off another improbably victory!


Of course...

...not all things can be solved just by teamwork...

...and when Algolenthenx makes his appearance...

...that angelic Draco-sapien doesn't seem so valiant... he annihilates the group, one-by-one...

That shifts the story over to Vhish'shang,
whom ultimately gets to tango with Algolenthenx for eternity,
as already explained.


before discussing some of the secondary-characaters,
I'll just say that since the "disabled dragon" theme is incompatible with the "invincible immortal" theme,
a crippled Wyvern like Zrom'brom'grom would need a new role
for the hypothetical full-length revision.

Probably still a teammate to Plen'shen'dren & Rhazza'rhonddo,
Zrom'brom'grom would eventually evolve into the 5th,
or maybe 4th,
in order to protect his partners.


---Lharlhyr'vhovhyr the AERO-atma Wyvern

As already said: in the obsolete story, Lharlhyr'vhovhyr was the squadron-leader of a swarm of AERO-atma draco-therium on a gas-giant planet.

Lharlhyr'vhovhyr is a mantid-wyvern, whose arm-wings disguise folded grappling-claws that can snap forward with immense speed.

Any enemy captured by those mantid-claws are then helpless against his sickle-toed foot-talons,
which also exhibit the same ripping & gripping capability as his arm-wings.

Quick kick-attacks can mercilessly shred even durable scales,
so Lharlhyr'vhovhyr is no pushover.

his swarm gets overwhelmed by the raw brawn of Noxferanex,
while trying to repel Twekk'twunjj from their planet.

Twekk'twunjj ends up saving the day,
and Lharlhyr'vhovhyr begrudgingly allows his foe to depart in peace.
---Elegaludeo the HYDRO-atma Wyvern

As already stated: in the obsolete version of this story, Elegaludeo arrives in the nick of time to save Twekk'twunjj from both Grung'gurrung & Qharnnarraanqh.

the pair of HYDRO-atma draco-therium team-up to defeat those GEO-atma dragons.

Elegaludeo & Twekk'twunjj work to terraform the fiery planet into a watery world.

Becoming mates,
this pair perform the "double ouroboros" ritual of reproduction,
where two draco-therium nip each other's tails & spin in circles to create an energy vortex that manifests a new soul-core,
which then crystallizes into an egg.

the two fathers give birth to Iha'mowahi & Yaka'marada.

Their family lives in relative tranquility... for awhile...

...until Thadda'malphax makes his second appearance and ruins everything.

That arrowheaded-shark drake uses his hyper-powered "infernuke" attack to obliterate entire opponents in a single shot...

...which reduces Yaka'marada, and then Elegaludeo himself,
to dust...

Although Twekk'twunjj deals a vengeful blow that carves out Thadda'malphax's left eye, 
both Elegaludeo's turtle-beetle dragon lover & their blue-whale dragon son,
are forced to flee in different directions...

...with the injured Twekk'twunjj escaping into outer-space to be ambushed by Nhesh'shevvesk...

...and Iha'mowahi getting chased by the relentless Thadda'malphax...

---Cree'neechee'crov the AERO-atma Drake

 As already mentioned,
in the obsolete story,
Cree'neechee'crov is one of Lharlhyr'vhovhyr's swarm-mates.

Those AERO-atma draco-therium work together to ward away all intruders,
so they don't welcome Twekk'twunjj,
despite his docile demeanour.

It was Cree'neechee'crov who is imperiled by Noxferanex,
and then Twekk'twunjj saves,
who first learns to trust the supposed invader.

Accepting the help of that HYDRO-atma dragon,
this AERO-atma drake cooperates to pinpoint Noxferanex's weakness.

Lharlhyr-vhovhyr values Cree'neechee'crov's life very highly,
so it was Twekk'twunjj's assistance in saving the insectoid drake,
that earned him safe passage to depart their gas-giant planet.

---Noxferanex the UMBRO-atma Dragon

 Here we have Noxferanex himself!

The huge UMBRO-atma Dragon's speciality is setting up one big blackhole,
and then camping right in front of it as the gravitational pull draws his opponents in towards him.

Kinda like a spider sitting at the center of a web.
Or an ant-lion lurking at the bottom of a sand-pit.

Either way,
Noxferanex then uses his sheer size advantage to brutalize his trapped prey,
since it is difficult for them to get away!

Of course,
thanks to Twekk'twunjj's help,
that blackhole gets plugged by a whirlpool,
which blocks the gravity-suction from working.

That allows the AERO-atma squadron to escape the dangerous trap,
and after regrouping,
everybody joins forces to fight Noxferanex on more even-terms.

They ultimately knock him into his own blackhole,
and that's the end of that!

 ---Chell'chezz'chuke the LUXO-atma Dragon

As already explained: in the obsolete version,
Chell'chezz'chuke is one of the offspring created by Twekk'twunjj & Cresserrezz.

She is a very adventurous firefly-dragon,
who decides to depart her parent's peaceful moon-home.

In outer-space,
she fends off the pot-shots from wimpy UMBRO-atma bullies,
thanks to her LUXO-atma lightspeed bursts.

when she arrives at a very stormy planet,
Chell'chezz'chuke gets much more than she bargained for...

Fighting against multiple opponents at once,
she eventually starts getting worn down...

...and Plen'shen'dren is the peacock-dragon who manages to catch her off-guard...

...before finishing her off permanently...

...and then that antagonist steals her spotlight in the story!

---Uwozi'uwani the PYRO-atma Drake

As already mentioned briefly: in the obsolete version,
Uwozi'uwani is an inhabitant of the world where GEO-atma & PYRO-atma draco-therium contest each other for control.

This seahorse-drake often swims through the lava & magma,
in order to surprise flying foes from below.

That's how she catches Twekk'twunjj off-guard.

From there,
she relentlessly harasses him,
with only his turtle-shell shields to block her fireball spit.

But when those fire-bombs go bouncing off the smooth shells,
they often impact the floating continents that slowly slide across the surface of the lava seas.

Which attracts the unwanted attention of Grung'gurrung & Qharnnarraanqh.

Those two GEO-atma Dragons then double-team her,
and quite efficiently slay her.

 ---Grung'gurrung the GEO-atma Dragon
Qharnnarraanqh the GEO-atma Dragon

As just reiterated above: in the obsolete version of this story,
this pair of partners first appear when Uwozi'uwani's wanton destruction gets careless.

They tag-team her,
and then do the same to Twekk'twunjj.

Their speciality is sheer physicality.


They did pull off one unique move.

Since their home-world was a mix of fire & earth,
they succeed in summoning crystals to cage Twekk'twunjj.

Those crystals close in around the turtle-beetle like a pair of ruby-red jaws of diamond durability,
so Twekk'twunjj couldn't get out,
and his shell-shield wings could only last so long when pinned between crystalline teeth from all sides!

Of course,
it was Elegaludeo who then arrived and turned the tide.

With two HYDRO-atma draco-therium now working together,
the resulting tidal-waves were enough to wash everything away,
including the pair of GEO-atma dragons,
who drowned in the ensuing tsunami.

Which then opened up the possibility for Twekk'twunjj & Elegaludeo to start a family on the terraformed world.

 ---Iha'mowahi the HYDRO-atma Dragon
Yaka'marada the CRYO-atma Drake

As alluded to, just above: in the obsolete version of this story,
Iha'mowahi & Yaka'marada were born to two fathers
and inhabited the newly aquatic planet.

Both of them enjoy a very peaceful lifestyle,
and their ocean home is only rarely invaded.

Yaka'marada is the more aggressive of the two.
She is a lionfish drake whose prickly appearance matches her snippy disposition.

Iha'mowahi is a gentle giant.
He's an absolutely enormous blue-whale dragon,
who can launch an equally gargantuan water-cannon,
but rarely requires to put that attack to use.

Only when Thadda'malphax intrudes on their home,
does he really get angry.

his super-spout isn't enough to totally negate their foe's "infernuke".

Yaka-marada & Elegaludeo both go down blazing,
while both Iha'mowahi & Twekk'twunjj are left heavily bleeding & forced into fleeing.

Iha'mowahi eventually crash-lands on the disabled dragons' planet,
where he finally dies,
just before Thadda'malphax shows up to start trouble with Plen'shen'dren & pals. 

 ---Diyiliyid the UMBRO-atma Wyrm

 In the obsolete version of the story,
Diyiliyid is a particularely powerful opponent,
who serves as an introduction to Vhish'shang's sheer skill,
when Vhish'shang takes over as the protagonist.

He's a major threat because, even though he's still a Wyrm,
Diyiliyid has 8 heads,
which allows this hydra to wield ALL of the elemental breath-weapons!

As a result,
the UMBRO-atma wyrm-hydra takes on whole swarms of enemies all by himself with ease.

But when battling Vhish'shang,
the UMBRO-atma Draco-sapien demonstrates his blackhole-portal technique with clever ingenuity.

In specific,
Vhish'shang uses his breath-bombs to strategically spit out portals everywhere.

those blackhole-portals would be conveniently in the path of Diyiliyid's breath-beams.

Breath-beams which would then be redirected through other portals, back at their sender!

And all the while,
Vhish'shang would vanish in-&-out of sight,
by ducking through blackhole-portals to warp from place-to-place!

Dodging around like this,
even Diyiliyid's 8 heads couldn't keep track of Vhish'shang,
and their attention was kept divided between dealing with their enemy directly,
and avoiding their own attacks that kept getting sent back!

it isn't too surprising that Vhish'shang emerged the victor,
when the long necks got tied up...
...and the pressure built up...
...and the hydra-wyrm self-destructed from his own breath-weapons being unable to be released!!

---Cleya'cuunda the CRYO-atma Wyrm

As stated already: in the obsolete story,
Cleya'cuunda is one of Twekk'twunjj's first foes.

She disturbs his peace,
when the turtle-beetle dragon just wants to peacefully blow bubbles and wallow in his little lake.

Cleya'cuunda makes the mistake of freezing his watering hole,
which finally prompts the peaceful newborn to finally get serious.

In battle,
this CRYO-atma Wyrm puts her whip-like appendages to use
by either lashing her enemies rapidly & repeatedly,
or coiling & constricting them.

she is defeated after Twekk'twunjj befriends a certain wyvern,
who becomes smitten with him after he shields her from Cleya'cuunda's cruel whippings.

those two put an end to the avalanche of lashings,
by burying Cleya'cuunda in a mountain of ice of her own making.

 ---Nifiri'tikiri the GEO-atma Drake

 Not specifically mentioned so far, but alluded to: in the obsolete story,
Nifiri'tikiri appears as one of the enemies that harass Chell'chezz'chuke,
when that firefly dragon leaves the moon home of her parents.

Nifiri'tikiri isn't as successful as Plen'shen'dren,
but this stingray drake still gives Chell'chezz'chuke a very difficult time.

As a GEO-atma draco-therium,
Nifiri'tikiri is constantly dropping stalactites from her underbelly,
as the stingray drake flies overhead.

What's worse,
she can use her spiked underside to deliver a rather nasty technique alike an "iron-maiden hug", where she wraps her flipper-wings around the enemy...
...and squeezes them against the sharpness of her stalactite-covered belly!

Chell'chezz'chuke does manage to bring her down though,
by cleverly tricking Nifiri'tikiri to hug a different enemy,
who is fatally wounded by that maneuver,
yet still retaliates in anger,
and blows her up with him.

---Rhazza'rhonddo the GEO-atma Dragon

As already mentioned elsewhere: in the obsolete version,
Rhazza'rhonddo is one of the disabled ragon team.

He was hiding out on a very remote planet.

That planet was where Zrom'brom'grom carried Plen'shen'dren to,
after Thadda'malphax sliced off the peacock-dragon's prized wings.

the pair of crippled battle-beasts didn't seem threatening,
and the armadillo-ankylosaur dragon poked his head out of the cave he hid within to investigate them.

Soon enough,
it was discovered that Rhazza'rhonddo was suffering a permanent disability of his own.

To be specific,
after a gruesome gash was left on his neck & belly,
the GEO-atma dragon could no longer vocalize or use his breath-weapon.

From then on,
the group worked to keep each other alive,
with each member compensating for the other.

It might be deduced from his illustration,
but Rhazze'rhonddo has a body built for curling-up & rolling,
so he can still steamroll opponents like a runaway boulder!

his wings are those flaps that extend along his sides,
alike a gliding gecko.

Utilizing them,
he often serves as a flying shield,
to block attacks with his hard back,
while gliding over his comrades.

This works very well,
and Plen'shen'dren even manages to use his friend like a living steppingstone,
in order to bridge the gap upward, when fighting aerial adversaries.
(Since the lizard-cheetah was left wingless and needs a boost to reach high-flying foes, in order to deliver the decisive slash.)

Rhazza'rhonddo and the other disabled dragons overcome several extremely strong enemies,
such as Thadda'malphax and Jalamo'jalonxo,
in addition to giving birth to offspring like Zethro'zyke & Barvo'belvos.

even after persevering through all that,
Algolenthenx proves to be the one obstacle that they cannot quell.

That angelic LUXO-atma Draco-sapien unleashes his awe-inspiring light-show,
and destroys the disabled dragons...

 ---Zethro'zyke the VRONTO-atma Wyvern
Barvo'belvos the PYRO-atma Wyvern

As just mentioned directly above: in the obsolete version of the story,
both Zethro'zyke & Barvo'belvos were born to the disabled dragon team.

Plen'shen'dren & Zrom'brom'grom laid the egg that became Zethro'zyke,
while Thadda'malphax & Rhazza'rhonddo created the egg that became Barvo'belvos.

These siblings were good fighters,
and stuck around their home world to help their disabled parents.

Jalamo'jalonxo was the big threat they were key in defeating,
since their parents couldn't handle such a juggernaut alone.

Zethro'zyke's speedy scythes and Barvo'belvos's bludgeoning axes ended up crippling the colossus just enough that Thadda'malphax could land an "infernuke" attack in close enough proximity to really damage the VRONTO-atma Draco-sapien.

It was Plen'shen'dren, as usual,
who dealt the fatal slash.

this heartening family-story was abruptly ended by Algolenthenx,
who easily overpowered even the able-bodied offspring...

...and in fact toyed with them... ripping off their tails...

...and wielding their built-in weapons as actual tools...

...for the angelic Draco-sapien to slay both brothers with their own body-parts...


---Ordufa'ilhenya the CRYO-atma Dragon

As alluded to elsewhere: in the obsolete version of this story,
Ordufa'ilhenya was one of several solo draco-therium who attacked the disabled dragons at the same time.

he actually became inspired by their ragtag teamwork.

So instead of continuing the conflict,
this gazelle-dragon actually partnered up with those other enemies,
but not to fight Plen'shen'dren & pals.

they each departed in peace,
as if to find their own home,
where they too could settle down and live without the impulse of dominance through violence. 

(But just to mention,
during combat, Ordufa'ilhenya would launch icicles from his gazelle-horns as impaling projectiles.

And it was Rhazza'rhonddo's selfless protection of his more vulnerable friends,
by always leaping into the path of danger to block those ice-spears,
which catalyzed the change in Ordufa'ilhenya's heart.)
---Xochu'xipzu the AERO-atma Drake

As mentioned way back: in the obsolete story,
Xochu'xipzu is among the enemies who attack Frinxiortch at the beginning of the book.

A nifty feature of this dilophosaur-dimetrodon drake is that he can retract those crest-sails on his head, back & tail.

Those physical features seem to assist his control over the wind,
as an AERO-atma draco-therium.

despite his natural talent at kicking up powerful gusts that can cut,
it was the teamwork of Frinxiortch & Cresserrezz together that brought him down to the ground.

Once pinned in place by the pair of Wyrms,
and constricted by their combined anaconda coils,
it wasn't long till his last breath was gone.

---Jalamo'jalonxo the VRONTO-atma Draco-sapien

As already mentioned: in the obsolete version of this story,
the ultra-dominant powerhouse known as Jalamo'jalonxo
was a Draco-sapien who assaulted the disabled dragon team/family.

He made full-usage of his immense might without any regard for the weakness of his opponents,
which was unusual for a Draco-sapien,
as both Vhish'shang & Algolenthenx preferred only the strongest.

Of course,
as proved by Plen'shen'dren & pals,
despite their conditions,
each of the disabled dragons worked together to watch each other's backs,
and even their children joined in on their parents' behalf.

Combining their individual talents to compensate for their separate deficiencies,
the group succeeded in prevailing against this especially tough foe.


But if I was to imagine Jalamo'jalonxo's role in a hypothetical version of the full-length story rewritten with my current revisions,
it would be suitable to have this VRONTO-atma juggernaut become the 9th Draco-sapien and appear as the very last antagonist,
before perfect peace spread across the universe.

You see:

His anatomy possesses "trumpet horns",
which utilize the "thunder boom" aspect of the VRONTO-atma battle-beasts.

while most other draco-therium were impressed & inspired by the 8 original Draco-sapiens,
when they made music for the first time...

...Jalamo'jalonxo would actually be inspired to evolve in order to ABUSE his new intelligence and use sound as a weapon!!

Shooting boom-blasts from his bendable horn-trumpets as soundwave attacks,
the VRONTO-atma fiend would take on all 8 of the other Draco-sapiens at the same time!!

even though his unique technique could allow this juggernaut to hold his own all alone...

...Jalamo'jalonxo would never predict that pretty much EVERY OTHER less-evolved draco-therium would join the 8 champions to turn the tide against the errant Draco-sapien!

Emboldened by the songs sung by Vhish'shang, Algolenthenx, Frinxiortch, Cresserrezz, Thadda'malphax, Twekk'twunjj, Plen'shen'dren & Zrom'brom'grom, an entire solar system's worth of Wyrms, Drakes, Wyverns & Dragons would now stand-up against Jalamo'jalonxo!

Even he couldn't handle so many enemies all at once,
despite everybody being invincible immortals,
in this version.

in the end,
that singular berserker was bravely brought down when he finally had to admit he was beat!

---Nhesh'shevvesk the UMBRO-atma Dragon

As previously explained: in the obsolete version of this story,
Nhesh'shevvesk was an UMBRO-atma Dragon who ambushed Twekk'twunjj when he was fleeing alone from his former home because of Thadda'malphax's onslaught.

She sneakily stayed out-of-sight,
obscured behind her shadowy smokescreen,
which allowed her to catch the turtle-beetle dragon off-guard.

He was already bleeding badly,
but her cheap shots made everything much worse.

And even when Twekk'twunjj finally located her...
...this cobra-dragon used her hooded intimidation factor to paralyze the turtle-beetle dragon in horror, just long enough to ram him with her poisonous tusks.

Nhesh'shevvesk's dishonorable tactics earned the disapproval of Algolenthenx,
who made his first appearnace with a lasting impression: by effortlessly defeating her with disdain.

Despite her huge size, venomous attributes, dreadful visage, and massive strength,
Nhesh'shevvesk never landed a real hit on the angelic Draco-sapien,
who only ever counter-attacked her manuevers,
as if she was only barely worthy to battle.



5 additional illustrations added on Feb/22/2020
updated the "blurb + backstory" PDF 
at the bottom of this post

---Cixplixis the AERO-atma Dragon

As previously mentioned: in the obsolete story,
after Plen'shen'dren, Zrom'brom'grom & Rhazza'rhonddo team up,
their "disabled dragons" camaraderie eventually inspires some of their opponents.

Three different invaders attack the group's remote planet home,
but each foe is solo.

In addition to Ordufa'ilhenya,
who was mentioned above,
Cixplixis & Xadd'jadd'junn enter the fray.

These three also fight amongst each other,
while raiding the home of Plen'shen'dren & pals.

during the battle,
Cixplixis perceives how coordinated the "disabled dragons" are.

Working together,
those disadvantaged draco-therium manage to cover each other's backs
and successfully surpass their aggressors.

As a result,
the three solo intruders actually decide to join forces,
but not to continue the conflict.

Cixplixis, Xadd'jadd'junn & Ordufa'ilhenya all peacefully depart,
in search of a world that they themselves could call home
and live in equal tranquility.

---Xadd'jadd'junn the GEO-atma Dragon

As mentioned again just above: in the obsolete story,
three draco-therium try to raid the home of the "disabled dragons".

In addition to Ordufa'ilhenya & Cixplixis,
one of the solo invaders was Xadd'jadd'junn.

While the trio of Plen'shen'dren, Zrom'brom'grom & Rhazza'rhonddo
all cooperated in the battle,
each of the intruders fueded amongst one another,
which increased the difficulty for them in the fight.

Not only that,
but Xadd'jadd'junn noticed the parallel between the elemental affinities
of that "disabled dragon" team
and the serediptously soloists who were present.

Plen'shen'dren & Cixplixis were both of the AERO-atma,
Zrom'brom'grom & Ordufa'ilhenya were both of the CRYO-atma,
and Rhazza'rhonddo & Xadd'jadd'junn were both of the GEO-atma.)

That commonality offered an example for them to follow. 

the three separate trespassers formed their own GEO/CRYO/AERO team
inspired by the disadvantaged dragons they had attacked,
who proved extremely capable as a group!

From there,
Xadd'jadd'junn & his new comrades departed in peace.

---Emorro'imirru the UMBRO-atma Drake

As alluded to way back: in the obsolete version of this story,
when Twekk'twunjj arrived on the moon where Cresserrezz dwelled,
he was bleeding heavily from the battle with Thadda'malphax & poisoned from the battle with Nhesh'shevvesk.

In his critical condition,
he couldn't put up much of a fight against Cresserrezz,
who was rather territorial due to the death of Frinxiortch.

even though she didn't know Twekk'twunjj had reincarnated from Frinxiortch's soul-core,
they slowly bonded.

And perhaps the pivotal point,
was when Emorro'imirru arrived.

This spider-drake had no qualms about attacking a weak & injured dragon,
so Twekk'twunjj was quite imperiled.

since Cresserrezz was slowly warming up to her uninvited guest,
she stepped in to protect him from this other intruder.

Her heroics mirrored the way Frinxiortch had protected her,
and she successfully distracts Emorro'imirru while Twekk'twunjj attempts to recuperate from his dire state.

Although the UMBRO-atma draco-therium was dishonourable in battle,
he wasn't a weakling,
which allows the VRONTO-atma wyrm to show off her own skills.

Cresserrezz slays Emorro'imirru,
and goes on to forge a bond with Twekk'twunjj that was as strong as the one she had with Frinxiortch.

---Gattag'gallag the HYDRO/PYRO-atma Wyvern

As alluded to way back: in the obsolete version of this story,
there were certain thematic parallels between "Draco-therium Atma Maelstrom"
and "Soul Swarm Samsara".

One of those themes was "reproductive hybridization".

While I dropped that theme for the finished short-story,
in the original,  
sometimes when two draco-therium reproduced
their offspring would be a blend of elements.

An example of this rare occurrence was Twekk'twunjj's enemy
named Gattag'gallag.

This poisondart-frog wyvern exhibited a vivid colour-pattern,
which hinted at his mixed element abilities.

In battle,
the amphibious wyvern would utilize veils of steam to hide behind,
because his soft skin wasn't armoured by scales in the way most draco-therium had.

Compensating for that oddity of anatomy,
he could wield super-heated water, that could scald,
by simultaneously utilizing his HYDRO-atma & PYRO-atma breath.

That dual-stream of coiling breath-beams was very dangerous,
and Twekk'twunjj actually protected another enemy from it.

(I'll talk more about Kastrellaverkka below.)

After this heroic act,
Twekk'twunjj teamed up with his other enemy,
and the pair successfully turned the tide against Gattag'gallag.

despite working so well together,
the other dragon had come into physical contact with the slimy skin of their now-defeated foe.

Gattag'gallag's warning-coloration alluded to the fact that this amphibious wyvern's body was covered in a coating of extremely deadly poison.

As a result,
even though he died first,
Gattag'gallag managed to bring down one of his opponents post-mortem...

---Kastrellaverkka the PYRO-atma Dragon

As alluded to way back & mentioned just above: in the obsolete story,
Twekk'twunjj protected an enemy dragon from the extra-strong breath-beam
wielded by Gattag'gallag.

This other dragon was Kastrellaverkka.

She had initially tried fighting with Twekk'twunjj on the same CRYO-atma dominant planet where he battled Cleya'cuunda,
but when a mysterious steam enshrouded the battlefield,
both foes ended up in combat with Gattag'gallag.

Using that steam to obscure his position,
Kastrellaverkka was forced to play defense,
since she couldn't pinpoint exactly where this new opponent was located.

Twekk'twunjj eventually dispelled the steam,
by cooling down the super-heated water with his own HYDRO-atma abilities.

the fight ramped up.

Gattag'gallag was a soft-skinned wyvern,
so he seemed like an easy-target to scratch & slash.

This was Kastrellaverkka's big mistake,
when she engaged him in close quarters combat...
...and got his slime all over her talons...


But the results of that error did not manifest immediately,
so she was left fighting ferociously.

the HYDRO/PYRO-atma wyvern retaliated with his own dual-element breath-beam.

That coiling stream of fire & water was very powerful,
and even the hot-headed cardinal-dragon couldn't handle it herself.

Which then prompted the heroic Twekk'twunjj to shield Kastrellaverkka with his unique turtle-beetle wings!

Blocked the breath-beam,
he astonished his other foe,
who was left shocked that her enemy would risk himself for someone who tried to kill him.

This caused her to undergo a change-of-heart,
and she reciprocated Twekk'twunjj's gesture by teaming up with him.

the pair successfully fought Gattag'gallag on more even terms,
since his mixed-element abilities only possessed an advantage one-on-one.

And because Twekk'twunjj was a HYDRO-atma Dragon,
and Kastrellaverkka was a PYRO-atma Dragon,
their combined abilities could accomplish the same dual-element breath-beam that their foe had used on them!

Pulling off a stylish tagteam-attack,
Kastrellaverkka & Twekk'twunjj intertwined their own breath-beams,
and clashed with Gattag'gallag!

There was a tense struggle between their beams,
since both sides were about equal in strength.

But, in the end,
when Kastrellaverkka & Twekk'twunjj put everything they had into overpowering their foe,
Gattag'gallag's solo strength could not hold back their combined might...
...and the poisondart-frog wyvern was annihilated when his opponents' entwined breath-beams finally reached him!


Of course,
as I already revealed,
Kastrellaverkka's celebration with Twekk'twunjj was short-lived.

Despite the pair having great potential together,
she began exhibiting symptoms of the poison that had silently seeped into her system.

Convulsing from the toxic affliction,
Kastrellaverkka dropped from the sky.

Twekk'twunjj tried to comfort her,
but he had no ability that could cure such strong poison.

she expired,
and Twekk'twunjj was left alone.

This event left a mark on Twekk'twunjj,
because he truly hoped to journey alongside this potential partner,
but was robbed of that possibility.

It was because of Kastrellaverkka's death that he began travelling from world-to-world,
in search of companionship.

While he did eventually meet Elegaludeo.
And later, reunite with Cresserrezz.
Twekk'twunjj never forgot about Kastrellaverkka,
and the turtle-beetle dragon always exuded a certain subtle sadness,
over the memory of that cardinal-dragon,
related to the future they might have had together, which was not meant to be.


---It might be obvious, but as a final note: 
all the writings & drawings in this post
were NOT included in the big ZIP batch from my previous post )
which collected all the WRRKZ released in 2019,
so if anything here is worth saving to you,
it is necessary to save each item manually.

I did make the effort to create a PDF version of all this backstory for your convenience,
the summary of the obsolete book is longer than the finished short-story!

Here's the link to download what you just read on this page:


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