Monday, January 13, 2020

declaration of public-domain

Although I am not anywhere near the end of my natural lifespan,
I volitionally bequeath all these works to an ideal version of “the public domain”.

What this means is that:

No restrictions or limitations on your usage, distribution or resultant creativity.

No legalistic loopholes.

Everything here is simply flat-out free for everyone, everywhere, everywhen.

It doesn’t matter what species or galaxy or parallel dimension or alternate continuum in some nonlinear timeline.


Plagiarism is impossible when all this is thus given in its entirety to our common totality,
for what I myself accomplished was itself inspired by a long chain of inspiration,
without which nothing here would have happened.


It would be wise to note from where your own ideas derive, though. Because if you lay claims to some concept, you might forget that it derived in dependence upon some other insight made by another entity.


An example of truly free usage: if it helped a person struggling in poverty, they could seriously just print copies of this stuff, and support themselves through such an endeavour without making any compensation in return.

Likewise, no corporation could ever claim monopolistic control over these things, even if they repurposed them. But I also don’t deny access either.

I’d prefer that whatever might come from contact with these works to continue increasing goodness in this universe, rather than any negative endeavours. But I can’t & won’t enforce anything. So please consider this as guidance meant to stimulate thoughtful reflection on the repercussions of all our actions, which should hopefully evoke a feeling to work towards the highest & widest of benevolent intentions.

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